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We offer the following sessions term-time only.

Monday to Friday

0900-1200 morning session

1200-1230 lunch session

1230-1530 afternoon session

Our preschool set up is term time only and sessional and therefore we cannot adjust the start and finish times.

Fees (subject to review)

£15.50 for 3+ year olds.  

£17.00 for 2 year olds.  

Snack is charged at 50p per child per session.  

Lunch is an additional session and is £3 per session.  Children bring with them a small packed lunch.

Fees are payable in advance and cannot be refunded if a child is absent.  A 4 week paid notice period is required.



We are inspected by Ofsted to ensure we meet with the Learning and Development requirements of the Early Learning Goals, welfare requirements and to ensure compliance with the Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage.

We can accommodate a maximum of 26 children per session. 

 The staff to child ratios are:

Adult 1:4 for 2 year old children

Adult 1:8 for 3+ year old children

Little Owls (2-3 Year Olds)

Our Little Owls group is dedicated predominantly for the 2-3 year olds. It is at this stage of a child’s development where main focus is largely on the ‘Prime Areas’ of learning of the Early Years Foundation Stage:

Personal Social & Emotional Development

Communication and Language

Physical Development

This may be the first time your child is separated from you for a length of time and now learning to become part of a group in an unfamiliar environment. We nurture children through the Prime Areas by helping them to feel secure and develop a sense of belonging but also by providing opportunities to take their turn, accept the needs of others and build on their emerging language. We also support children to become more independent in their physical self care skills such as toileting and pouring own drinks/feeding themselves, therefore fostering independence skills but at a time that is right for them.  These of course are facilitated during every session and are used to promote development in the Prime Areas of learning that are so important at this stage of your child’s development.

Barn Owls (3+ Year olds)

Our Barn Owls group is predominantly dedicated to the 3-4 year olds and for children who are in their final Preschool year. Focus still remains on consolidating the ‘Prime Areas’ of learning and embedding independence skills needed for the move to school. However, for this age group, more emphasis is given to the ‘Specific Areas’ of learning also.  

The ‘Specific Areas’ of learning of the Early Years Foundation Stage are:



Understanding the World

Expressive Arts & Design

Learning experiences provide more challenge in these areas through slightly more structured adult-led activities which are fun and geared towards the individual child’s abilities, strengths and interests. Such activities take place when the individual child is ready. Some examples include greater exploration of books, building new vocabulary and exploring the meanings of new words. Mathematical activities include matching number to quantity, simple number problems and exploration of mathematical concepts such as weight, capacity and size. 

 We will also explore the natural world in more detail for example, growth and decay plus changes through the seasons. Children are also encouraged to express themselves creatively through role play and art based activities that encourage imagination.  

All children will be prepared for transitions onto the next stage of their learning journey. For children in our Barn Owls group there will be preparations for the move to their Reception class through visits to their new schools, exploring their school's school uniform, along with teachers from their chosen school coming to preschool to meet the children.

Eagle Owls (3+ Year olds)

The children in this group are secure in their social and emotional development.  This group is an extension of the Barn Owls group, intended to challenge cognitive skills with Maths, Literacy and Science (always through play).      This includes activities such as PE sessions, where children have the opportunity to learn to change their clothes/shoes.  We utilise our outdoor classroom specifically for these group sessions.

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